"Africa Relief Fund"
100% of donated funds are distributed to the donor-designated project.
(Donations are 100% tax exempt and receipted.)
Thank You!

Current “Relief” Focus
Democratic Republic of Congo
Right now, many innocent people are caught in the middle of a violent regional conflict. Thousands upon thousands have lost their homes. They have lost their livestock and their gardens. They have fled into the forests and ultimately have sought refuge in small towns and villages – hoping that someone will intervene and restore order and provide safety… It is a terrible scenario unfolding behind the curtain of the world’s distraction with a pandemic and other concerns.
Many of these precious, innocent people are connected to African immigrant and refugee members of the congregation of LifeWay Indy Free methodist Church. They are family members, they are friends, they are former neighbors...
Latest reports indicate children and other vulnerable adults, elderly individuals are beginning to starve – even die. For this reason, we are asking for your financial help, donations that would allow us to send/provide relief in the face of a growing crisis. This is an URGENT effort! Children are not facing hunger tomorrow, they are literally starving today! If you can, please join with others and make a donation by clicking on the link above.
We bow our heads and our hearts in gratitude. Thank you!